Monday, January 28, 2008

Can You See It?

Can you see this creature peering out from under our shed? It's an opossum..........I can't stand those things. I was sitting on the couch when my husband who was standing near said, "What is it?" My response, "Oh crap, it's a opossum!" And he retrieved the camera and I took this pic. As a horse owner, I do not like these creatures as they carry a disease that can permanently damage a horse's neuro system. The horses get exposed to it if the opossum gets into their grain. Why I keep my livestock food locked up......Creepy little glorified rat peering at us!


mdmhvonpa said...

Nasty little bastards ... look even uglier when they get frost-bite.

Callie said...

Can't stand 'em. I've got a really funny post on MidWestHorse about my husband's encounter with the creepy little thing. Needless to say it was playing dead and the dog was dragging it across the yard by it's ass. And my husband was kicking at it until I went out there and said it wasn't dead. It was playin' possum. He's British, They don't have opossums in the UK. LOL


Guess I shouldn't be laughing at the hubby! But I really never do anything I SHOULD...

Linda D. in Seattle