Thursday, January 31, 2008

Say It Isn't So..........

Is it true what they say about Jaguars being expensive to up keep? I'm afraid so. My little X-type has been naughty. As I was driving home from work the other morning, the dashboard on this thing went completely wonky! I dread to think what it will cost. It suddenly started flashing all sorts of messeges at me. Engine light, cruise control not working, engine temperature gage. All sorts of things that were simply untrue. I think when moisture get in there, it's starts giving me problems. So it sits in the driveway waiting for the day I'll bring it into the dealership for repair, which will be awhile as taxes must come first. I miss my ass warmers as I have to drive the Focus, which is a nice little car, but I must admit I've been spoiled to ass warmers and all wheel drive in winter weather. We bought her used, I love that car. The gas milage is fairly good, nearly 30 in the summer and 25 in the winter, not bad for what it is. I do love my big red truck, but we only use that for farm work and most times it sits until I need hay or to haul something.


Sharon said...

Amen to the ass warmers. I have it in my Jeep. Love it!

Callie said...

It is so hard to get into a car without the ass warmers.


My friend's car has ass warmers...whenever we go somewhere and it's cold outside, I sometimes will deviously keep her talking after we've arrived just to "soak up the bun sun" a bit longer!

Linda D. in Seattle